For me, I understand why this is poignant. Grimace instead of genial—shape is different—genre so immanent. As a kid, this is the closest friend of a bitter melon. As if my forehead tells. Lightest of its small form, branches are old and spreading. Ode to sour flavor dishes. Because Nanay’s sinigang is perfect—through this alternative mixes, effective in a natural essence. And extract the juice if you feel inclined—this remember. Leaves are downward, pointing low, and constrict your sadness persistently. I squashed its body and pitches my eyes. Blurred for a millisecond—to evinced joy. And the season of this tree, pops and germinate—looking plentiful.

Joefel Bolo is a queer writer from the Philippines. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Harvard Advocate, fifth wheel press, beestung, and elsewhere.